Group Voice Classes
2024-25 Classes Offered
Thursdays 4:00-4:55pm, Ages 10-13
Steps to become a group class student at Serene Vocal Studio:
Join the class above.
Register by filling out the new student form and paying the one-time $55 registration fee. Continue to Registration
Come to class! Serene will reach out to you with details.
Have questions or want to learn more before getting started?
I offer a free 15-minute inquiry meeting where we can discuss your goals, go over how group classes work, and see if we’re a good fit. I’d love to connect and answer any questions you have!
Classes for Young Singers
If your kids LOVE TO SING, enroll them in our Group Voice Class at Serene Vocal Studio. Improve vocals and confidence while learning alongside friends in a weekly class. The class is designed for students ages 8-12.
Concepts we will learn include tone, pitch, rhythm, Solfege, basic note reading, diction, harmony, breath control, ear training and performance. Music we may study includes Disney, Broadway, folk and musical theatre.
As students sing together as a group, they are coached on how to harmonize and blend with each other. We aim to provide each student with individual coaching and attention.
We focus weekly on practicing basic singing techniques and how they apply to each song we study. Your student will LOVE our voice class as they participate, play music games and build new friendships in class!
Group Voice Class is the perfect environment for students to explore, learn about their voice, improve vocals and build confidence!
If young singers are interested in taking private voice, Serene requires them to participate in 2 semesters of group voice lessons first. After 2 semesters, depending on age and ability, she can determine when students are ready for private voice lessons.
What Is Included
Weekly Classes
Group Coaching
Individual Coaching
Weekly Practice Sheets
SVS Vocal Book
Ages 8-10 and 11-13
Why Group Voice Lessons?
Group voice lessons offer kids a safe environment to begin to explore and learn about their voice. Each voice is unique and it's important to discover THEIR voice. Something that makes Serene Vocal Studio unique is that during class we discover music through play and physical movement. We use games such as "play dough man," "witches brew" and "balloon together" not only to help students to learn music but also to help students feel valued and unified as we are in class together. Group voice lessons is perfect for learning how to perform and students have opportunities each week to ease into performance. This helps students to overcome fears of singing in front of an audience. Kids love the multi-level singing experience, variety of music games and positive energy outlet.

““Thank you for being such a wonderful instructor, who paves memories as well as constructing dreams.””
Should Your Student or Someone in Your Family Become Ill:
Students should not come in for lessons if they are seriously sick, or have been sick in the few days prior to their lesson. Please contact me ASAP if you feel you will not be able to make your upcoming lesson. We can set up a live stream of the class so they may participate from home.
Should Your Teacher Become Ill:
Should the teacher need to miss class due to illness we will reschedule a make-up class, or provide online lessons if necessary.